Monday, April 26, 2010

Pass It Along, Pray!!

I got this wonderful idea from The Goat, and thought how could I help spread this powerful idea?
I know that everyone is different in how they pray...
I usually pray silently, but always enjoy when someone asks me to share a prayer out loud.

My wheels are still turning on how I can get a prayer group going, 
and thought that you should be thinking about how you can participate too.

Whether you decide to pray with a group or individually
Who couldn't benefit an extra prayer or two??

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:19


Please pass this along in one way or another, step out of that comfort zone and show your faith!
Keep me posted in how you will be honoring this day!


  1. Thanks so much, Laura for posting about this. I think the day will be mighty whatever people do, don't you think? I can't wait.... :)

  2. Laura and family,

    I am so sorry for your families loss of your beloved Alli! Craig and I send our love to you all....Love Auntie Ellen
