Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flip- Flops

Today was our Staff Celebration/ End of the Year Party.......
I am always a sap...
I am the first one to cry at anything...
(seriously, just about any movie with a touching story and boom, water works)
Today I cried, I wasn't the only one, but maybe I was the first one to start.
It wasn't tears of not having a job next school year,
 but not being at a place they I have called home for four years.
Jackson Elementary

Our school is a unique school.
I once heard our school referred as the cumbiyah school.
A school where any teacher could ask another teacher for help and they would receive it,
no questions asked.
A school where everyone, okay most, say good morning to each other with a smile
or if you are lucky enough to pass by Carol, a big bear hug.
A place where I have made the dearest friends,
friends that I will have for a life time.
A place where I get to work with my sister-in-law on the same team.
A place where we sing songs or play a game at major celebrations.
A place where my boss gives us Feel Free Fridays.
What's that?
When you get to go home when the students go home,
you don't have to stay until your contract time.
Sweet, I know!!
A place where we dress up like our boss on spirit days, and he is flattered.

A place when you walk into your room you might have a little gift waiting for you,
just because they know how you feel.

A place where I began as a first year teacher and took on the biggest challenges I had ever faced.

Here is the quick background to my 1st year:
I was once an involuntary transfer, I transfered from one school to here.
I first thought it was the end of the world, but soon learned that the grass was greener on the other side.
I was lucky enough to have the honor of teaching 3 classes that year.
(If you want to count inter-session then 4 )
We were year around, if you wondered how that was possible.
Yep, a month of sixth grade then transferred.
Two trimesters of 4th grade.
The last month and a half a combination of 4th and 5th.
I didn't think I could handle any more change, then I switched grades.
I was placed in Sixth Grade.

We have all probably heard before that we are our on worst critic, but really how could I have been successful with all that change that was going on???
I received praise from administration, coaches, teachers, friends and family, and I appreciated it more than I could ever express, but the best praise I could receive was from my students.
That is what kept me going.
That is what keeps me going!!

 I have been a Sixth Grade teacher for three years now.
 I am quite proud of that title.
Darn proud of that title.
Several times I have asked myself why do I keep this title?
The answer is always simple, the students, my students!
When people ask me how many kids I have, I always say 34 and a little girl.
I am always a teacher,
when I go home, when I am shopping, when I am out and about...still a teacher.
I have a hard time turning off that switch in me.
 I am a mother first.
Please don't get that mistaken.
I love being a Mommy and getting to teach my beautiful girl about this amazing world.
Next school year, I do not have a teaching job in the classroom, but rather in my home.
I believe that there are still over 200 RUSD employees who do not have jobs next year due to budget cuts in California and I am one who is affected.
This is change, but it can be positive.
Madeline and I are going to make the best of the situation. 

So, back to today. 
At our "we will miss you- not good bye party"
we wished 3 great teachers a happy retirement,
8 teachers( myself included) we hope you have a job next year,
1 assistant principal, we hope you have a job next year too, and
2 (Outstanding) office assistants, we hope you have a job next year as well.
I know.
But again our staff made the best of it,
we ( as in the ones without jobs next year) were given flip flops.
Kathy, who I idolize more than she will ever know, wrote this great poem.
I wanted to pass it along

Flip- Flops
by Kathy Kashak

When you start to see the flip flops out, you know its summertime
Just kickback, relax, enjoy yourself vacation- at its prime

So grab a pair and slip 'em on. Its something we all do
Cause the flop is so laid back- not like a teacher shoe

You may not go to Maui, Laguna, or Cancun
But in those funky flip flops you'll sing a happy tune

Wear flops to shop and flops to mop. Wear them all the time.
And on a retirees budget the price is sublime!

Anyone can wear 'em. It really takes no skill.
Unlike the job of teaching with flops you simply chill.

Relaxing in your flip flops while laying by the pool
You're reading trashy novels- not a single thought of school

Everybody likes flops on Jackson's way cool staff
'Cause these are the folks who know 'bout fun and really love to laugh.

Retirees, we hear you're fond of the humble flops.
And once your free those teacher toes you just don't want to stop

Now you deserve each minute of R and R you've earned
For teaching oh so many kids: for all you've helped them learn

Now the same holds true for newer teachers with challenges one or two
Flip flops are just a symbol for taking simple joy with you.

'Cause wherever you go, whatever you do it's corny but it's true
You'll always walk with each of us- our soles will follow you.

Today we salute one and all for sharing all your gifts
We hope these simple words and flops provide a little lift.

Now mellow out and free your toes. Just put aside your woes.
Let's all enjoy the simple things and party like real pros.

How could I not love my school?
I am trying my best to embrace these new flip flops.
I will put my faith and "sole" into the Lord as I start a new journey.

P.S. If you read this far, thanks.
This was cheaper than paying to sit on a couch.
I really could say so much more, I didn't mean to leave any thing or anyone out.