Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4 Months

Max is still a happy baby!!!
Unfortunately Max got bronchitis this month and we weighed him at 15.7 
He is such a trooper!
He continues to smile and koo.

Max:  cries when someone leaves the room
loves to put new toys in his mouth
drools and blows bubbles
enjoys watching T.V. and the computer
 can definitely hold his head up all on his own
 (last month he could but with the occasional wobble)
enjoys the swing
loves his jumper
loves to watch his sister and laugh at her

Max and his Best Bud, Bronson ( just a month apart)

His first ride at Disneyland: Ariel's Under the Sea

First time meeting Mickey
Mickey really liked Max
More MAdeline and Max photos

I love the way she adores him
First time in the bouncer
Look Madeline is totally going in to steal a kiss
Sleeping with Madeline's baby

Madeline loves to help when she can!

Celebrating Alicia's birthday

1 month ( no cute stickers for the onesies yet)
2 months
3 months
4 months
 ( the picture is blurry :( I wasn't paying attention)
We love you Max!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

3 Months

First Cars and Coffee show
(He slept through most of it)
First "Show and Go"
First baseball game
Evan's little league game

Playing with Madeline in the car
Hold on Max...Madeline is driving

Foot prints for Mother's Day

May 18th, Max is three months old
He is more aware of his hands...
it looks like he is plotting the way he holds his hands together.
He loves to smile!!!
His smile is so big too!
Kelly (the best baby sitter/day care provider) says she can't look at him while he eats 
because he smiles and koos at her.
We think he is going to be an early talker.... the way he koos
 (but it could be he is trying to keep up with his sister who is always talking to him)
This past month poor Max got sick.....
Throat infection, sinus infection, and double eye infection, crazy huh?
He still smiled through it all and was a happy baby.