Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Beautiful Day

A beautiful day at the beach, with an even more beautiful friend!
It is not easy to get out to Seal Beach to see your best friend,
but when you do, it is worth it in so many ways!!
I wish Lisa lived closer, but we can understand why she lives at the beach.
Our surfer girl/ Auntie and the family spent a wonderful day catching up, eating, and enjoying the day.
Unfortunately the wind was a little too cold, so we didn't get to go in the water this trip. 
Jake took us to his favorite Hawaiian restaurant, 
The Loft (in Hunnington), 
I would highly recommend this place, it is not fancy, but super yummy!
Lisa got to love M while we gabbed away! 
We all enjoyed the weather and scenery.
It was a beautiful day, thanks Lisa!!
Madeline sees the ocean and says "wa wa" for water.
She kept pointing to the water with her huge smile and new vocabulary,
 it is going to be a fun summer!        

M needs some shades....we left hers in the car.
 Auntie Lisa has her covered!
Those look cool too!
Much better, the girls picture is complete!
Life is sweet!!!



  1. How fun!!! Seal Beach is out there for sure! I am SO sorry that I didn't get back to you about a picnic. I don't know what happened to my week :( I'm anxious for summer're right, it will be a fun one!!!

  2. Love Seal Beach...Try Walt's Wharf in SB Main Street if you like fish and Beachwood BBQ if you like a fun, quaint spot. Good times! Your little girl is just adorable. Thanks for visiting my blog!
