Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh My......A Little Treasure!

Oh my, I was looking at my old posts that I never finished from last year
( I was fed up with my old slow computer, so I took a break until we got our new computer)
and I was surprised to see these precious pictures!!
I can't believe how time has gone by sooo fast and how she can change sooo much!

I couldn't resist posting
M is 12 months old in these pictures.
Jake took a day off to play in Laguna with M and me.
This was a beautiful day!

M is telling the Summer to slow down, we are having too much fun!

Can't wait to take her back to Laguna this summer!!


  1. Wow, she has gotten so big! I love the picture of M crawling away with her name at the bottom! So sweet! I cant' wait for beach days again!

  2. cute bathing suit & bow M!! great photos too.
