Saturday, January 2, 2010

Preparing for the New Year

Okay, okay, I have been horrible about blogging to say the least, but I now have a beautiful 27" iMAC and have no more excuses. I was having the most difficult time uploading pictures,and found myself being discouraged from it all, but not any more! This new baby can hold oodles of pictures or as Jake would say "a s#*t load" of pictures. This computer can do amazing things and I will be taking classes to learn more about it at the Apple store (and maybe I can bribe Tawny to teach me more with photoshop too.)
Please have patience with me as I catch up on a lot of great memories and pictures. I will my best to keep them in order. Alright, I am done with excuses and ready to move forward with the new year. It is going to be another great year! Bring on Twenty Ten!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, no bribing needed :) Of course we can do Photoshop together!!! You just have to let me know what you learn at the Apple store too!
