Thursday, December 1, 2011

9 months

9 Months
He is almost walking.
He has taken a few baby steps ,but we are not counting that as walking yet.
He stands up on his own, in the middle of a room.
He walks holding on to anything, a walking toy, a box, a small chair, etc....
He almost has his first tooth, I think I say that every month, but this time really.
He has developed a cheesy smile.
A smile where he puts his chin up, scrunches his nose, and smiles all gums.
He likes to eat puffs and is not too coordinated with a sippy cup.
He is always on the move. 
Even when I hold him, he is trying to climb up me.
He enjoys music and likes to watch people dance.
Always on the move.


Maximillion the chameleon( from Tangled)
Max and his best bud Bronson
Papa and Max

Baby J and Julia.....
bottling wine for the first time.

Peacefully sleeping with his hands folded together.

He loves to play with the door stopper.

1 comment:

  1. He is darling! I hope to see him this month when we are visiting!
