Thursday, February 11, 2010


    Inspired, that is what I am when I view all the beautiful blogs out there. I have had too much fun blog hopping and viewing all the beautiful crafts and fun ideas...( I have lost many hours of sleep staying up late to do so.)  I decided that I wanted to do a Valentine craft and spread the love.  A project red for love.
    This summer I stalked up on canvas from Aaron Brother's buy one get one for a penny sale and decided to put them to use.  There are so many different ways you could do this project, but here was our first attempt. 

Materials needed: canvas, pencil, scissors, tape, paint (not shown), silver marker  optional
We (my husband and I)  cut the tape into hearts and used them like stickers. We covered the canvas in the hearts first, then let the fun begin. PAINTING WITH FINGERS!!!

Madeline loves to paint with her fingers, we tried to keep her clean by taking off her clothes, but somehow that didn't stop her from touching her face.

She took her job of painting so seriously.

We let the paint dry before peeling the heart stickers off.

We waited patiently......and in one and half year old language that means playing through the house!
I think she looks like a little warrior with her war paint on, she is making silly noises with her mouth while running like a crazy girl.
I finally caught up to her to sneak this picture of the paint up close and personal.
And finally, ta da, Madeline's first canvas painting. 
We traced the hearts with a silver marker because the paint bled through in some areas. Someone told me that the imperfect product doesn't really matter, it is the process we went through. I have to agree, we will cherish this memory and art forever! I hope that I might have inspired someone else to do the same.


  1. Um, we are headed to the craft store today! Quinn and I were going to make his Daddy a valentine tomorrow anyway, and this is way better than what I had in mind! Love it!

  2. That is SO, SO, SO cute! I love it!!!
    Cute new stuff on your blog too! YOu are getting so creative :)
